
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Spiritual remedy of spiritual diseases

Ubqari Magazine - September 2013

I want to get engaged soon

I like a boy and I want my engagement to be done as soon as possible. My mother has agreed, but the family of boy has not agreed. My mother is worried about the final decision. She is facing the pressure of family. Do tell any Allah’s Name to solve problems in this way. (Kousar Jabeen, Lahore)

Answer: Daily before sleeping recite 100 times یَابَدِیْعَ الْعَجَائِبِ بِا لْخَیْرِ یَابَدِیْعُ , do for 40 days and firm your believe in Allah that whatever he will do, He will do Good for you, and pray for your good.

Sacrificed desire

I married within my relative family some time ago, It was my parents choice, I sacrificed my choice for my parents’ choice, but my sacrifice is not respected anywhere. My wife does not obey me, mostly. She does not give me value even after I say something again and again. I told my parents many times but situation is still same. They only say things to make me feel good but in practical I have no importance. I feel stressed and dubious. I want to get rid of these thoughts; I don’t want to do something which may hurt my parents.

Answer: Accept the suggestion and act as I say, as you sacrificed your desire for your parents now extend the circle of this sacrifice,  this will not only make Allah happy but atmosphere of your house will become good. Do not put pressure on your family about your decision. If your parents and wife accepts your decisions and they give value then its good but if they don’t do so, you leave it and keep on sacrificing. Secondly doubts are based on ill thoughts and it leads towards difficulties.

When you will try to act as I say and decide to stay happy then your problems willcome to an end soon. After the prayer of Fajar and Isha recite 41 times یَااَرْحَمَ الرَّاحِمِیْنَ  blow it on your hands and spread your hands on face like Mas’sah, and pray.

Contradictory results

Circumstances always oppose my thinking and what I do.  I face hurdles in everything and same is the situation with financial matters. I have tried in every way but situation is still same. (Majid, Peshawar)

Answer:  After Isha and Fajar recite One Tasbee of اَللہُ لَا اِلٰہَ اِلَّا ہُوَ الْحَیُّ الْقَیُّوْمُکی and then pray, do it for 90 days.  

Nourishment of Mental abilities

I stitch clothes; despite of hard work result does not comes good, mind stops workings and I do not feel doing more work, sometimes I feel I cannot stitch. Dresses remains in front of my eyes and I only watch them, tell me anything for the growth of my abilities.(Saira, Gujrat)

Answer: After fajar Namaz recite one tasbee  یَاخَبِیْرُ یَااَللہُ  blow on your hands and spread like Mas’sah on your face, at night, at any time recite 41 times  رَبِّ یَسِّرْ  and blow it on your chest, Insha’Allah soon you will feel a difference.

Quit the Amal:

I wrote about a skin disease and you replied to see word "ل”  written for 10 minutes in morning and in evening. Thanks to Allah that disease has finished but scars are still there, I am doing it since three months.  What should I do now? Tell me something about spots. (Kousar Noreen, Sahiwaal)

Answer: Quit doing it after 3 months; do eat juicy fruits and vegetables.  Do eat fenugreek and dill. Use Husn-o-Jamal cream on spots; they will disappear with time.

Lizard and my fear

I am very scared of lizard, I check walls again and again, if I see any lizard it makes me run from there, it becomes difficult for me to stay in house. My family is very disappointed because of my fear but I fail to control it.(Hafeezaan, Lahore)

Answer: Before sleeping recite 11 times Sora Kousar and blow on your heart. After that say your name and repeat this sentence, “lizard is a harmless animal; quit being scared”. Keep repeating until you drift to sleep. Keep doing this daily, until fear disappears from your mind.

Ulcer in Stomach:

Since 5 to 6 years, I am suffering from abdominal pain. Some doctors say I have wounds in my stomach. Carelessly if I eat sometimes forbidden food, it hurts badly and I suffer for 2 days. I have two kids; because of this problem I cannot give them attention properly.

Answer:  Consult any good doctor for the treatment but symptoms are signaling that you have stomach wounds. Don’t be careless in food matters. It will create problems in future. Before sleeping at night, with closed eyes imagine that colorful rays are coming from sky and spreading on you and keep reciting,ھُوَالَّذِیْ اَنْزَلَ مَنَ السَّمَآءِ مآءً   until you sleep, Insha’Allah doctors treatment and this action will give positive results.

Negative effect of many wazaif at same time:

Since two to three years I had been reciting different Names of Allah,  یَااَللہُ، یَاعَزِیْزُ، یَاحَفِیْظُ، یَالَطِیْفُ  and I used to recite Surah Yaseen, Muzammil, and dua-e-ganj’al Arsh a lot, and I recited whatever anyone told me. My desire has not fulfilled but some other problems have occurred. I am mentally upset now; weird and ill thoughts disturb me. Sometimes I see those thoughts. I had a great interest in praying and ibadat, but know I hardly offer namaz.  I feel wilderness while making du’a. I am dubious now. My family mocks my state of mind. Sometimes I cry. (Sultana Begum, Karachi)

Answer: Wazaif without someone’s permission can be destructive because when we recite any name of Allah repeatedly, its light becomes active. If your brain in not powerful enough to endure that light, then destruction of cells starts. And if your desire are not good then those light of goodness becomes full of rage. And result is destruction. Remedy of your problem is to stop doing all wazaif and amal. In morning eat dates and almonds of good quality. Insha’Allah you shall become normal soon.

Accidents and accidents

I suffer from accidents and pains very often. Sometime ago a hard ball hit my face. I was suffering from that pain when my feet’s bone fractured in an injury. And after, I fell somewhere and fractured my arm; the injury was so severe that it took a long time to heal. And after that I feel pain on the upper part of leg and this pain travelled to the back bone. I feel stress while walking after sitting.  I cannot walk fast.  Pain is increasing day by day, I have tried  many treatments, I don’t know what is happening with me? (Sajid Shahbaz, GujarKahn )

Answer: Do consult an authentic doctor. There can be many reasons for this type of pain. For example it can be sciatica, or it can be the problem of back bone joints. Only tests can tell the truth. And proper treatment will make your recovery possible; don’t think anything else. Be aware of your surroundings because senselessness will make you unaware of your surroundings, and it increases the possibilities of accidents. For all these things:

 بِسْمِ اللہِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِیْم یَااَللہُ یَاحَفِیْظُ یَارَحِیْمُ  recite 100 times in morning and blow on water then drink it; it will be useful.

Behavior of people

People make fun of me; I am not physically well. I am tall and very thin; skeleton-like. My eyesight is weak. I remain away from people now and I have no friends. I have no respect. I think loneliness make me dubious. I feel my future is very bleak. (Muhammad Javed Karachi).

Answer: You can lose mind power along with your health because of these types of thoughts. In this world people are of many kinds. If you take them seriously you will never able to live fully. Live happily don’t bother anybody.  Insha’Allah when you will be mentally peaceful, your physical condition will improve. Futile thoughts and disappointments make you alone. Offer prayer regularly and after Fajar and Isha fix your eyes on the place of Sajdh’a and recite.

 for 10 minutes.

Charming personality

My neighbor had a charming personality; she has died and I am affected with this incident a lot.  I remember her talks and I weep. I just cannot get rid of it.

Answer: Sleep in the state of ablution and keep reciting Surah Kousar before sleeping until you sleep. Within some weeks these memories will vanish.

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